Special Applications Training Program

by Sifu K. Brand

Learn to defend yourself

The Self-Defence System

S.A.T refers to the ultimate applications of my complete WingChun system, as well as my Close Combat and Weapon Fighting Programmes developed during the 90s. It encompasses, so to speak, the unlimited totality of what we have to offer with the International Academy of WingChun.

S.A.T is the essence of what I have developed and taught for decades.

Adapted to modern times, S.A.T is a martial art that trains applications from all areas of self-defence from the very beginning. Even though unarmed skills and the basic techniques of WingChun make up the largest part of the training, it is necessary to train in the safe handling of sticks and other weapons (i.e. knife) at the beginning of the curriculum. Only in this way is it possible to practise defence against striking attacks within the first few training sessions, especially understanding the purpose and operational distance of each weapon. The skills in handling these tools train depth perception, coordination, and reaction in a very short time.

With my military background as a lone fighter and as a teacher at the German Army School, in combination with my more than 50 years of experience in martial arts, I have asked myself how I could train special units, personnel of exclusive security companies, or generally interested people in self-defence. My goal is to prepare them as quickly and optimally as possible for their respective requirements. I believe that my work as a Grandmaster and founder of the hard and uncompromising systems of WingChun, combat and weapon fighting, can be useful in this regard. I have come to the conclusion that, due to time constraints, it is not necessary to train the complete WingChun system or, for instance, the weapon fighting system (Escrima) with all its traditional facets. 

Since no graduation system is required for S.A.T, I was able to exclude graduation-relevant elements and at the same time renew my teaching concept in order to drastically shorten the training time. This has resulted in a new art with which I can equip everyone with special skills in a very short time, completely independent of previous knowledge. Ultimately, S.A.T also serves as training for practitioners of other martial artists, helping to free themselves from their potential limitations of sportive martial arts. However, the structure of S.A.T also enables inexperienced people to enter the realm of self-defence.

With S.A.T I officially released a new era of self-defence training at the highest level to the general public in 2014.

There are no classical graduation examinations in S.A.T. Nevertheless, there are various markings in the form of a badge for instructors and leaders of training centres. There are also badges for students that indicate the level of training after basic, advanced and finally combat training (Primary, Upper, and Combat Level) has been completed.

We train effective applications with specially developed programs. Our students learn the principles, the elementary basic techniques, as well as the complimentary techniques of combat to be optimally prepared for a wide variety of self-defence situations.

With S.A.T I have made it my life’s mission to preserve the true art of fighting and the entire technical repertoire of WingChun in all of its martial perfection.


Sifu K. Brand





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S.A.T Instructors / Licences 
of the International Academy of WingChun

With an S.A.T licence from the International Academy of WingChun, you can become an S.A.T Instructor and lead a training centre in a location of your choice. The prerequisite for this is that no S.A.T Instructor is active in this location.

Obtaining the licence requires the knowledge and ability to apply the elementary basic techniques of the S.A.T.

Both students and former students of the IAW who have reached the 8th student level in WingChun already have the prerequisites for acquiring a licence as an S.A.T Assistant Instructor (white badge), provided that there are concrete plans to open an S.A.T Training Centre.

For all those interested in training or becoming an S.A.T Instructor, possibilities are offered on the page 'Training', to learn the S.A.T (teaching) program and, if desired, to acquire the instructor licence.




The S.A.T does not include any graduation levels. There is only the identification for instructors in the form of a badge. 


Instructor Levels

- The white badge for Assistant Instructors is awarded upon passing the S.A.T Assistant Instructor exam. Assistant Instructor training does not require running a Training Centre. The training and examination to become an Assistant Instructor (white badge) is open to everyone.

- The black badge (Instructor I) is awarded as soon as the certified S.A.T Instructor's own training centre is opened. 

- The black badge (Instructor I) can also be awarded to Assistant Instructors without their own Training Centre, provided that the Assistant Instructor was involved in the training of the students in an S.A.T Training Centre for 2 years.

- The silver badge (Instructor II) is awarded to instructors who have successfully managed an S.A.T Training Centre for 2 years.

- The golden badge (Instructor III) is awarded after 3 more successful years as leader of an S.A.T Training Centre. A Level 3 Instructor is authorized to designate the Training Centre as an S.A.T Academy.


Badge for special achievements and Tilel. (without time-bound specifications)

An Instructor who have already produced other instructors from their own ranks and who support me in spreading the S.A.T can be appointed as a Master.

Furthermore, GM Sifu K. Brand reserves the right to one day officially appoint an S.A.T. Master for special merits as a Sifu.


Instructor Levels

Assistant Instructor

Awarded after passing the instructor exam

Instructor I (black)

Awarded upon the opening of a licensed S.A.T Training Centre as well as to Assistant Instructors after 2 years of supporting service

It is not necessary to run your own training center to reach this level. This is achievable for all S.A.T students

Instructor II (silver)

Awarded after 2 successful years as an instructor

Instructor III (gold)

Awarded after 3 more successful years as an instructor


Awarded to Level III Instructors for outstanding service in promoting the S.A.T

S.A.T Student Levels

Instead of a graduation system, there are 2 levels for S.A.T Students to indicate the level of training. A 3rd level for special achievements can be awarded by the grandmaster. 

- We award a green S.A.T badge labeled 'Primary Level' to students who have completed the basic training program and attend classes regularly for a full year. 

- Students who have completed the advanced training program and attend classes regularly for two years are awarded a blue S.A.T badge labeled 'Upper Level' after a test by the responsible instructor.

- After three years, S.A.T students with high technical skills can receive special recognition in the form of the 'Combat Level' Badge. However, this badge is only awarded personally by the Grandmaster after an examination. (This level is not intended for students of the children's group).

Primary Level

Awarded after one year of training (no exam)

Upper Level

Awarded after two years of training (after a test)

Combat Level

Awarded after three years of training and special skills (examination by grandmaster)

S.A.T classes for children

Of course, most of our instructors also offer regular self-defence classes for children.

The S.A.T classes for children contain the most important self-defence techniques (skills) of the system. The classes are also designed to improve students' strength and body mechanics, as well as boost their self-confidence.

Self-defence techniques, coordination skills and strengthening self-confidence are the primary goals of the training.

The minimum age to start learning the S.A.T of the International Academy of WingChun is 8 years.


The children of the S.A.T Tigers group can achieve the two levels for S.A.T students (Primary Level and Upper Level) and be awarded the respective patches.




I stand for the quality of the training with my name.


Sifu K. Brand, Grandmaster of WingChun, Escrima and S.A.T


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Sifu K. Brand

Mecklenburgische Str. 48 

14197 Berlin



E-Mail: grandmaster@wingchun.international


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Sifu K. Brand


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